1.Last album you baught? JET- get born
Video you watched? REally sorry
3.Last Food you Ate?roast beef sandwich
4.Last Mag you Read? a transworld
with Rowley on the cover
5.Last Song you Listend to? last one alive- VAST
6.Last Piece of Clothing you Baought?
a shirt i think
7.Last TV Show you Watched? GAME OVER.....new show on UPN
8.Last Video Part You Were Stoked
On? Mark Appleyards in reallly sorry
9.Last Team Sport You Played? floor hockey i PE, it was gay
10.Last Time
You Were Confused? all the time dude....its crazy
11.Last Time You Lied? i dont know
12.Last Park you Skated?
clear lake skatepark, i love the flat ground there
13.Last Person you Talked to on the Phone? Will
Time you Went to the Hospital? about 6 months ago for an MRI
15.Last Thing You Lost? streghth in my back
Movie You Watched?i dont know i dont watch movies
17.Last time you Went to the Movies? i went to see ELF or something
with my ex-girlfriend
18.Last Time you got ripped off? sometimes eating food at school, school foods good
Posted Pinned On Your Wall? a VANS banner
20.Last website you vistied? THE NAR ONE
21.Last DVD you baught?
really sorry
22.Last time you skated? saturday..........MY BACK IS GAY!!!!!!!!!! i would be skating right now