Casey Nunes' Bio:
Lets seeI started skating on the Christmas
of 2000, I think. Whatever Christmas was like 2 and a half years ago. Before that I rode bikes and dirt jumped with some guys
that were older than me. When I got a skateboard for Christmas and my best friend out of the group got a new bike, we started
splitting up. They started being major assholes to me because I skated. So, I just said Fuckem and
met Dale on the bus. He introduced me to Dan and Will so I started hangin with them. Eric didnt
skate at the time and John hadnt moved here yet so us 4 just skated. When John moved here and we
got to know him, we started NAR. It was like that for a while. We made Thinking Big and Ambushed and Eric started skating.
I pressured him into ollieing the Mini Med Choice and he just went from there. When he landed a
K-grind, we let him on. And thats how NAR came to be. So now, I just keep skatin with the rest of
the crew and filmin for Something Else. Keep an eye out for that vid cause
its gonna be sick.
New Interview for Casey Nunes
interview done by Will and Eric.
Will&Eric (WE)
Soo hey man what you been doing now that something else is done?
Casey (C)
Skating and colecting footage.
WE: So what girl friend did you like more CC or Daniel and which one is hotter?
C: Daniel CC
WE:What is the trick you want to do the most right now for the new video?
C: Front board the lakeport 7
WE: Whats your favorite movie?
C: first words ohh my god this is imposable...............10mins later.............Pirates of the Carabian.
WE: Who out of the people who film you do you like the best?
C: Dale
WE: So i heard you got a lip pearcing?
C: No i got my eyebrow pearced.
WE: HAHAHA i cant belive you did that.
C: I just thought it looked good.
WE:If you could have anyone skaters style, whos would it be?
C: Mark Appleyard
WE: Ive heard that you have switched from eS to lakia, why the sudden change?
C: yeah it was hard to leave the guys but the position at Lakai wors better for me.
WE: Why do you call erics mom queen shark and his dad popa bear?
C: because eric is a shark and his mom is the queen of his life so shes queen shark and papa bear because his the grupy
old bear in the goldy loz and three little bears.
WE: We just watched the bootlage movie what did you think of it?
C: over use of slomo = Boring as Hell.
WE: Ok we cant think of any more questions thanks man.