John McCarthy's Interview:
Rory: ok ready?
JOHN: yeha
Rory : ok name, age, sex, and favorite cartoon?
JOHN: john mccarhy,16 male and simpsons
Rory: ok johnny boy... this is your first nar interview so i bet some of our readers
wanna know some John McCarthy history nefore you were in K-ville and became part of NAR, so where did you grow up?
JOHN: all right.... i grew up in the bay area a place called los altos
were i skated for about 5 years. i think i advanced most of my skill up here in k-ville though
Rory: so how long have you been skating all together now?
JOHN: about 8 years
Rory: what got you into skating?
JOHN: my older bro. i actually used to rollerblade cuase he did and when
he switched i did too.
Rory: good choice. What keeps you skating?
JOHN: i guess its one thing i just love to do. i like chillin with my friends
when were out and landing ticks is so fun even if there just bustin kickflips down the street
Rory: In your mind is there anything bad about skatebaording or being a skateboarder?
JOHN: truthfully, i hate falling so much. thats about it, going to a spot
where i can get kicked out just makes me want the trick that much more so ill land it sooner
Rory: SO whats your favorite food?
JOHN: vajitas
JOHN: my moms
Rory: woh, i thought those were spelt with an f.. live and learn. Sponsors?
JOHN: freedom all the way
Rory: How long have you had your freedom sponsorship now?
JOHN: like a year and a half
Rory: When are you going to be looking for some bigger sponsors.. you think you
can get flowed gear any time soon?
JOHN: i hope dude, im actually in the process of gettin some footy together
for maybe 88 or satori. freedom said theyd put it in for me so that will help
Rory: that's so awsome. Put in a good word for me in a couple years. SO how many
boards do you think you've snapped
JOHN: dude, too many
Rory: well when times get hard you got your freedom discount. How much is the
JOHN: 25 percent, it helps and the deck a month is so good
Rory: What's you current set up?
JOHN: o dude, i got two mix matched ventures, some 7 dollar bearings, and
some jacked up gold wheels. i dont even have a deck.
Rory: What's the best spot you've ever skated, or enjoy skating most often?
JOHN: theres this place down the street from my dads house i always go.
its got some nice ledges.
Rory: One of the nar slogan things is JD2CWE, how does it feel to have the J come
first, and why isnt there and R on the end.
JOHN: thats eigth grade i made that up and its just how it came up at the
time ya know. And man i dont know why theres no R at the end but im gonna look into gettin one
Rory: haha awsome dude. Do you skateboarding is your future, if not what the hell
are you gonna do when you grow up?
JOHN: Ive been thinking about that a lot lately. Skateboarding will definitely
be in my future but as for a career well have to see what the future holds, im still working on that one.
Rory: Where do you plan on going to college?
JOHN: Ive got plans for possible something like san diego maybe frisco,
or sacto. ill get back to you on that one
Rory: I really want to go to college with Casey (Nunes for all you stupid people
who read this and can't figure out who casey is) so i have someone to keep pushin me to get better, and he's been talking
about SF... you think theres any way all three of might end up at the same school?
JOHN: o yeah that would be so sick, casey and you ar poeple id want to
go to college with for sure.
Rory: Yea it would be awsome. Which pro do you think you most resemble in terms
of style?
JOHN: hmm... maybe ryan smith i guess
Rory: well thats a good guess, you're in good company. sry
about the delay my sis broke something. So who was your favorite skater when you started and who is your favorite skater now?
JOHN: when i started it was jamie thomas, as for now i guess i have to
say marc johnson or brian wenning
Rory: What one skater would you like to spend a day with?
JOHN: marc johnson, he seems like every trick is so easy, i bet i could
learn some good tips from him
Rory: He's awsome. so heres some rapid fire: brand new pizza or day old pizza?
JOHN: brand new
Rory: thrasher or transworld
JOHN: thrasher
Rory: k-vill or somewher else
JOHN: somewhere else
Rory: dogs or cats
JOHN: dogs
Rory: meg griffin or chris griffin
JOHN: peter griffin
Rory: mark appleyard or arto
JOHN: arto
Rory: dan or dale
JOHN: ha casey
Rory: friends or family
JOHN: familly and friends, thats a hard one
Rory: boxers or briefs
JOHN: boxers
Rory: bam margera or someone else who is equally gay
JOHN: bam
Rory: wow that was rapid. how 'bout some
word association
JOHN: sure
Rory: skatebaording
JOHN: fun
Rory: nar
JOHN: friends
Rory: john
JOHN: cool
Rory: dan
JOHN: cool too
Rory: dale
JOHN: smelly
Rory: casey
JOHN: good
Rory: will
JOHN: chill
Rory: eric
JOHN: funny
Rory: rory
JOHN: nar
Rory: family
JOHN: friends
Rory: sponsor
JOHN: good
Rory: jamie thomas
JOHN: amazing
Rory: metrosexuals
JOHN: huh?
Rory: family guy
JOHN: funny
Rory: so now that the filming for the next nar vid has officially begun how is
your footy coming?
JOHN: a slow start but it will start rolling smoothly soon
Rory: early rumors say the deadline is end of summer, you think that's reasonable?
JOHN: yeah cuase well all have footage for it, there wont be like a whole
list of tricks holding everyone up so thats good
Rory: Well it's been awhile since the last vid but thisis your first interview
so i'll ask how you thought your last part came out?
JOHN: not as good as it shoulda been. i lost like half my part in my videocamera
that got stoen on a trip to sacto
Rory: that totally sucks. You thinking maybe last part this time around?
JOHN: that would be sick but i think that dale is lookin good right now,
hes been droppin some nice hammers. casey is gonna be a good bet too.
Rory: Whose the next nar guy who will get a sponsorship?
JOHN: casey
Rory: whose the next nar guy that deserves (the most) a sponsorship?
JOHN: dale or casey, dales been puttin in a lot of work and casey has the
natural style thats so good
Rory: sorry or really sorry?
JOHN: really sorry, pj ladd is so good
Rory: favorite trick?
JOHN: kickflips
Rory: why do you own a fake tree?
JOHN: my mom was throwing it out when we were moving and i thought it looked
good and from there it just turned out good
Rory: Why does casey hate spongebob squarepants?
JOHN: i dont know i dont like it anymore either
Rory: Favorite band?
JOHN: dans
JOHN: i dont know
Rory: least favorite band?
JOHN: dude i dont know shit about music
Rory: Best interview you've done?
JOHN: yours dude
Rory: ok im tired of all these interrviews where on guy asks all the questions
and someone else answeres them all so before we finish i will give you an opportunity to ask me any one philosohpical question
that you want to.
JOHN: allright cool. To you, why is nar something to take notice to?
Rory: Because everyone is looking forward to the future and wants to know what
will happen... look at nar long enough and you will see the future.
JOHN: thats cool man
Rory: closing statement?
JOHN: not really, nar for life, and ill talk to you later rory, take it
Rory: thanks for your time brotha man
JOHN: right on