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Eric Oiler

Eric Oiler Bio:
ok here it is-------       I first started skating about 2 years ago when I was 14 in the 8th grade.  I saw my friends getting into it such as Rory, Casey and the rest of NAR so I decided i would give it a shot as something new.  Me and Rory played basketball, and he would bring his board and we would skate and stuff after practices and before.  After that i followed through with it and started getting better.  We would always skate at Riviera Elementary school.  That is the place that got me good. It has a gap, and a  manny pad, its sick.  At this time i wasnt on Nar yet but i kept skating with them and eventually they let me be on, and now i get a part in our video.  We go skating at all sorts of spots, we are usually at Riviera School, Clearlake Skatepark, Kelseyville High, Ukiah, and Healdsburg skating.  Be sure to check out the new video Something Else.

Eric Oiler's Interview (Interviewed by: Dale Thorn 1-20-04)

Dale:u ready for the interview?

Eric : ya

Dale: you sure?

Eric : yea.........

Dale: hahhahahah alright age, sex, height, weight, pecieses of shark you are, and how long you have been skating?

Eric :alright, im 15, im 5'8 i think, about 130 pounds, i dont know what the hell pecieses are and ive been skating for like 2 and a half years

Dale:righteous. hows it been goin skating wise?

Eric :its been alright, ive got one thing on film since something else was done, it was a run at our highschool, but ive been learning alot of new stuff lately

Dale:you have been progressing really fast. whats ur motivation to keep progressing and to even still skate?

Eric: to get better and still have fun learning new stuff i guess

Dale:shweet. whats the square root of 144?


Dale:you are one smart guy. hahahhahaha. whats more important, style or the amount of tricks u can do?

Eric :im going to say amount of tricks becuase if you know how to do all the tricks later on they could get smoother and your style would get eventually better if it was bad

Dale:who would u say has the best style?

Eric :tough but im going to have to say Chris Cole or Stefan Janoski

Dale:what did you think of your "Something Else" part?

Eric:i like it, i wish some of the tricks i did were smoother though, but i liked it alot

Dale:what did you think of the video on the whole?


Dale:do you like getting tricks on film or do you not like being filmed?

Eric:i like being filmed , so like other people can see what i did and say what they think of it and what not...

Dale:are we filming for anything right now?

Eric:i dont know, we're just getting footage together for a next video i think

Dale:what was the last song you listened to?

Eric:bullet with butterfly wings - smashing pumpkins

Dale:what is the one trick you want to learn right now?

Eric:front boards

Dale:you can nollie fs heel, but u cant front board?


Dale:thats crazy. where is the one place in the whole world you would want to skate?

Eric:anywhere really i dont care, but probably the san fransisco spots the most

Dale:when you send in a tape to a skate company, which one would you send it to?

Eric:any company that i like really, i think it would be pretty cool to get my name out there, but if i had to pick one it would be es shoes or habitat or something

Dale:when would you send footage to a company, when you think your ready or when us buds tell you to quit being lazy and put the tape in the mail?

Eric:probably either one, if i was ready u would make me send it in anyways

Dale:how many boards have you broken?


Dale:what do you plan on doing after highschool?

Eric:hopefully get to college or something and keep skating

Dale:awesome. do you think that is a full interview, big guy, or do u want to keep going?

Eric:i dont care....whatever u want

Dale:you are the interviewed, dude, so you oic

Eric:alright well go even, ask a couple more questions then were done

Dale:alright. pen or pencil?


Dale:does dan morgan equal the anti-christ?

Eric:yes duh

Dale:i think jesus would agree. what would you want to say to all the up and coming skaters of tomarrow?

Eric:hello and dont rollerblade....just skateboard

Dale:Eric Oiler ladies and gentle freaks


Eric Oiler's Interview:
(Interviewed by: Rory Carlberg 8/5/2003)
how long have you been a skateboarder for?
around 2 years, not sure thow
why did you get into


all my friends were getting into to it so, i started to also


yes but they started before you, am i right




what took so long


i just happened to see it was cool and tried and got good


well, you got into the NAR, were you excited when you got in


yea i guess so, video parts and all that


speaking of video parts, how your footage coming for 'Something Else'


good so far, but confidental till u see it


hahaha, Dale (Thorn) is leading the whole confidential thing, huh


yea, he got all of us into it really, its a good idea thow so our parts will be exciting


do you think this is the most anticipated NAR video thus far


yea i think so


so did you grow up in kelseyville


yea, lucern then riviera the rest of my life


how long have you known the NAR crew

Eric says:

ive know casey (Nunes) for like all my school life, same with u and i met the rest of the sacks in 6th grade


who was your favorite skater when you first started and who is your favorite skater now


i didnt know very many skaters when i first started or saw any skatevideos really. i can remember thow my first favorite skater was Eric Koston. Hes still one of my top 10 favorites but right now u gotta give ur hands down to Jereme Rogers haha


yes Jereme is sick, is his part in Yeah Right! your favorite video part


my favorite video part is Chris Coles in Zero, my favorite movie is Yeah Right thow and yea Jeremes part is my favorite in it


cool, to close it out, how many times have you been interviewed

Eric says:

uhhh, just this once


Was it a good first


in guess so